April 17, 2021, Saturday of the Second Week of Easter, Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries) | Comment: Giver of Life

• April 17, 2021, Holy Rosary Today 7:30 pm ET, YouTube.com/TheRosaryNetwork
• Audio Podcast available by 6:00 pm ET

Friends of the Rosary:

Christmas marks Jesus Christ’s incarnation and birth; Easter, His resurrection after a sorrowful passion; and Pentecost, the arrival of the Holy Spirit.

All these joyful festivities — that the majority of people miss or misunderstand — help to model our existence in imitation to Jesus and Mary.

Specifically, during this Easter season of 2021, we prepare ourselves to receive the superabundance of grace of Pentecost through the coming of the Holy Spirit — our Advocate and Giver of Life.

Through faith and grace, we can amaze ourselves with the mystery of creation.

Our senses, daily struggle, and inclination to sin end up clouding our judgment, and therefore we miss what’s life about. It happened to the apostles before the descent of the Spirit, and it’s happening to us today.

Our Mother in Heaven knows about our limitation, and through Her Holy Rosary wants to unite us to His eternal Son, so we can flourish.

Ave Maria!
Jesus, We Trust In You!

+ Mikel A. | TheRosaryNetwork.org, New York

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